TiVo Mini TCDA93000 Version 2 via Amazon
TiVo TCDA93000 TiVo Mini is the version 2 of the Tivo Mini’s and it is not a Digital Video Recorder- DVR which means you can’t record TV shows directly to the unit but it connects to a 4- or 6- tuner TiVo DVR unit- like a companion to your TiVo DVR over your home network to your additional TV’s with the True Multi Room control (You can add the Mini to additional televisions with no extra service charge) extending access to live TV shows, sports or movies from Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Vudu and you can stream music from Spotify, Pandora, iHeartRadio and more.
Black TiVo Mini weighs 12.5 ounces and measures 6.1 x 6.1 x 1.2 inches so it is very compact- small and lightweight so you can simply mount it behind your TV or hide it anywhere out of sight- it has mounting holes on the bottom and is easy to attach it to a wall. Set-up is straightforward as you just connect the Ethernet (it doesn’t come with an integrated wireless connection but has a 2.4GHz Zigbee wireless connection kit which is based on the IEEE 802.15 standard with a shorter range than the IEEE 802.11 for WiFi) to your wired home network or use coax cable for Ethernet over coax (MoCA) or use wireless bridges, HDMI to the screen and plug it in for power and once it is connected you will have pretty much the same experience as the Premiere and you’ll be able to control everything through the TiVo peanut remote control provided with the features like rewind, fast forward, watch in slow motion, pause, 30 sec skip or choose instant replay. You will have access to live and recorded TV as well on-demand and streaming content services (If you’re only after streaming services you will be better off with going something like Roku).
This Version 2 TiVo Mini with the model name TCDA93000 lets you basically share the TiVo DVR experience on an additional TV like the original Mini TCDA92000 with the older IR remote but is claimed to be better as the current Mini has the Roamio RF remote with all the functionality of the other remote but with added features that make it much faster and more versatile and you will no longer need the line of vision between TiVo Mini and the remote. You may download the Tivo app on your iPhone, iPad or Android device for browsing and sharing without having to interrupt whatever it is you’re watching on TV. Connectivity options include an HDMI port, cable coaxial, a USB 2.0 port for either TiVo’s Slide Bluetooth Remote or an IR extender for hiding the box behind the TV, component video, composite video and A/V output. There is no longer a subscription fee to be able to use Mini, which was a monthly $5.99 fee and you won’t need to pay any additional fees to your Cable company. Set-up and operation are both very easy, you won’t need multiple DVR’s and you will not need to make any calls to your cable service provider.
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