New Playstation 4 Slim 1TB Console Fortnite Bundle w/HESVAP Review

New Playstation 4 Slim 1TB Console Fortnite Bundle

New Playstation 4 Slim 1TB Console Fortnite Bundle HESVAP

If you are thinking of buying a gaming console and like playing games like Fortnite, there is a brand new bundle which includes the Playstation 4 Slim 1TB, a Dual Shock remote controller and an exclusive code for Fortnite. We actually think that Fortnite is one of the best Battle Royale games of all time.

That code includes Epic Neo Versa Outfit, Epic Neo Phrenzy Back Bling and 2,000 V-Bucks. You will look different from the others during the game because Epic Neo Versa Outfit is only for the players who bought Playstation 4 with this bundle. Please note that in order to play Fortnite or any games with other people online, you need to have a PlayStation Plus membership which is sold seperately.

PlayStation is not just for playing games. You can also watch your favourite Blu-ray movies, listen to the music you love or keep in touch with your mates via social media such as Facebook and Twitter. You can also share your best moves or epic moments in your games with your friends on social media.

Apart from the exclusive Fortnite content this bundle also includes a Hesvap Fast PS4 controller which lets you charge your PS4 Dual Shock in 2 hours. It will help you get rid of wires and you will not need to wait for long for your controllers to get recharged. You will save plenty of time and your room will also look much better.

Fortnite Neo Versa Playstation 4 Bundle

Playstation Exclusive Games:

Playstation 4 Slim 1TB Console Fortnite Bundle with HESVAP

You will be able to play some awesome AAA games. You’ll have a hard time deciding which game from a huge catalogue of games that you can only find on PlayStation 4. These include God of War, Last of Us, Days gone and more.

Never Ending Fun:

You will always be able to find something new and interesting that you can have a good time with. You will easily reach what you’re looking for with just a touch of a button via the PlayStation entertainment options such as the PlayStationVue and more.


I used to play other Battleroyale games before I tried Fortnite with my friends who used to keep pushing me to play Fortnite with them. I was just saying to myself that Fortnite was a bit childish and the Building feature made it hard to learn. But then I started playing the game and destroyed the building when I needed to protect myself at the beginning, then I learned how to play. You will have to decide at the moment if you need to build and defense or try to shoot and rush.

They keep releasing new content and game modes that make you find new strategies as you play and discover. *If you want to play in the Player-versus-Environment mode which is also called “Save the World” you need to purchase it seperately. This bundle includes only Creative and Battle Royale modes. But you can use your Fortnite account and its content in any gaming platform.

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